Mar 6 at 6 PM – Telecommunications Compromise
Our March meeting will be an open forum for us to discuss the topic of telecommunications compromise. We’ll discuss notification of compromise, fallback alternatives, long-term implications, and more. Everyone is welcome to participate.
- Note the new location at OpenWorks. For parking and how to find us: The key is to enter from the 3rd floor of the Richardson St. garage.
- All meetings are free and open to the public.
- An open discussion on cellular and other communications provider compromise.
- Share status updates on member projects and interests.
- Dinner / after party at restaurant to be determined.
Monthly DEF CON 864 group meeting is online and in-person.
- Technical issues may prevent Online from occurring.
- Online details are posted in our Discord.
- Discord invite is on our website at
Note: Due to the cost of MeetUp we will discontinue its use by June. Please join our Discord or LinkedIn page for future announcements.